Roast Chicken and vegetables – Thermomix style

We are currently renovating a kitchen, so right now I have nothing but a paint tin sitting in what will be our kitchen, therefore I’m using the Thermomix for every bit of cooking which is set up on a tressel table in our lounge room.

I bought a roast chicken today and thought, well if you can cook a meatloaf, then you must be able to cook a chook and I did 🙂

It was moist, tender, delicious and well….. perfect.

You’ll need:-

1 whole chicken – mine was 1.6kg

3 potatoes, medium size

2 carrots

broccoli florets

cauliflower florets

1 onion

1 tsp salt

2 tsp mixed herbs

1 tbls butter

30g butter milk (or milk, or cream)

(any veg would work fine so feel free to use what you have)

Here’s what you do:-

Clean and wash the chicken and stuff it with the onion – yep that’s it.  Rub the salt and mixed herbs all over the skin.  I also sprinkled some veggie vital powder over the skin, made by Superfoods for Kidz.  This is optional.

Put 1.5L of warm water in the bowl and turn on the Thermomix, varoma temp, speed 3, 60 minutes.

Put the chicken in the bottom varoma dish, with the lid and cook for the 60 minutes.


Why this is cooking, peel and chop your veggies.  Put the potato in the basket, sitting in some water so they don’t go brown.

Once the 60 minutes are up, check your chicken.  If its done then take out the chicken and let it rest in your thermoserver.   Mine wasn’t done enough so I left it in the varoma tray.

Put basket with your potatoes in the bowl.  Then put the chicken back on top and cook varoma temp, speed 3, 15 minutes.

Once this is done, check the chicken again.  Mine still wasn’t done enough for me so I then put the rest of my veggies around the chicken and cooked for another 15 minutes, varoma temp, speed 3.

After this, my chicken was done, if yours is, then take the chicken out and let it rest in your thermoserver.  If not, put your veg in your thermoserver and cook your chicken a bit longer.  I’ll all depend on how big/small your chicken is.

Tip the water out of the bowl and tip your potato into the bowl, add your butter and milk.  Stir on speed 6 for 6 seconds.

Everything is now done, serve and enjoy!


P.S – I served mine with a bit of instant gravy 🙂

4 thoughts on “Roast Chicken and vegetables – Thermomix style

  1. Yum Jo! I would have never tried this but now I am keen!

  2. Looks sensational. I will definitely be trying this one 🙂

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